The Medicus Firm Blog

October 05 2012

Medicus Mustache-A-Thon

Charles Casebolt is a lifelong and dear friend of mine. We grew up in Temple Texas. From playing legos and tag to crushes and school dances and sports to getting in all kinds of trouble, Charles and I have a lifelong bond and I’m humbly asking for your help in helping him in his time of need. In the fall of 2011, Charles was diagnosed with bladder cancer. He underwent surgery and chemotherapy and was successfully cured. In the spring of 2012, he began to suffer debilitating headaches and was diagnosed with brain cancer. He has four stage 4, inoperable brain tumors and was given 6 months to live. Charles has been married for 19 years to his wonderful and supportive wife Sharon and has three beautiful children (Kyle, Brooke and Carson) ages 18, 14 and 13. Charles has been unable to work since last fall due to his symptoms. He has undergone all of these challenges without the benefit of health insurance. He has not asked for any assistance from anyone. The Medicus Firm presents “MUSTACHE-A-THON” in an effort to help the Casebolt family deal with their mounting healthcare expenses. A spinoff of the popular men's cancer fighting movement, where men grow mustaches and raise funds to support the fight against prostate and other men’s cancers, The Medicus Firm is raising money specifically to help the Casebolt family in this difficult time. Many of The Medicus Firm team members will be growing their mustaches for the month of November and we’re asking all team members to assist us in our fundraising efforts with friends, family, clients and anyone else willing to help the Casebolt family. Jim Stone

Medicus Mustache-A-Thon Donation Form

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