The Medicus Firm Blog

June 27 2012

Physician Compensation Survey - Healthcare Reform

At the risk of getting caught up in another imbroglio like we did in March of 2010 when Fox news picked up on our survey of doctors and their feelings about healthcare reform, I'm going to share with you that doctors everywhere are most likely going to hope and/or pray to their God tonight that some or all of the reform package gets thrown out tomorrow. I have not, nor will I, share my personal thoughts on the matter. As a company we have no official stance or political involvement. We're simply passing on the thoughts shared with us by physicians in our surveys. Health reform is now over two years old, and has been partially implemented, and the majority of doctors still don't agree that the ACA was the best solution for healthcare, according to their responses to our 2012 survey. Bill O'Reilly of Fox was interested in our survey results again this year and posted them on his news website. Doctors are earning less now and are looking at further reductions in the future, as well as greater oversight and the strong likelihood of employment. Physician alignment with hospitals and systems, in my opinion, is going to be critical to getting our healthcare spending fixed regardless of the Affordable Care Act and what happens to it tomorrow. So long as physicians and hospitals get paid to do stuff to people, they are going to keep doing stuff to people as opposed to working to keep from having to do stuff to people. Doctors are concerned about what is going to happen. Hospitals are concerned. We're interested, but not concerned because no matter how you slice it, there simply aren't enough physicians to provide care to America today and adding 32 million people to the ranks of the insured will only exacerbate the problem. Stay tuned. I will post our thoughts following the announcement on the Supreme Court's ruling tomorrow. Jim

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