Survey Finds Healthcare Employers are Adjusting in a Job Market Impacted by COVID-19
Over 45% of healthcare employers have had no change in the number of open positions for physicians or advanced practice clinicians. As well, over one-third (37%) reported they would extend job offers to physicians without conducting an onsite interview, according to a national survey.
The survey was conducted by The Medicus Firm, a national physician and advanced practice clinician search firm. This survey provides insight on healthcare employers across the country and how their recruiting and staffing activities are being impacted by COVID-19. Other healthcare employer insights from the survey are:
- 20% have had to move start dates out for new hires
- 36% do not know when positions will re-open or recruiting will increase
- 33% have not stopped or slowed down recruiting activities
- 30% are willing to extend a job offer to a nurse practitioner/physician assistant without an onsite interview
- 22% of employers have decreased locum tenens usage (temporary physician staffing)
“The shortage of healthcare providers in the United States was a significant problem prior to COVID-19,” states Steve Look, CEO of The Medicus Firm. “To further exacerbate the issue, now in place are social distancing guidelines, travel limitations, and other restrictions. This forces healthcare employers to adapt to new hiring practices to meet the needs of their facility.”
“Typically, healthcare providers must relocate for a new position. This can take six to twelve months. With over 31% of healthcare employers not actively interviewing, this can further delay having certain healthcare services in their community,” adds Look.
The survey also reported over 61% of respondents are utilizing video or virtual interviewing to continue their recruiting initiatives. “As the world conforms to remote work environments and virtual interviewing becomes more prevalent in society, we are seeing more healthcare employers embrace and take advantage of this technology,” said Look.
For a copy of the report click: COVID-19 Healthcare Job Market Survey