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An award-winning company for seven consecutive years, The Medicus Firm strives to help you succeed. By using our job board, you are guaranteed to find a unique position that is perfect for you. We also have a news blog that contains happenings concerning The Medicus Firm, as well as topics including physician burnout, standing apart from other facilities, and hosting interviews with healthcare professionals. In addition to our job board and news blog, we have a relocation survey and a compensation report available for your viewing.
To become a Medical Director, you will need a Bachelors degree in either Medicine, Nursing or Biology. After obtaining your Bachelors degree, you will need to become board certified in either Family Medicine, Emergency Care, or Occupational Health. After this, it is necessary for you to obtain a license and certification to be able to practice medicine. In total, it is required that you have a minimum of 10 years of experience in clinical medicine and at least 5 years of experience in hospital administration.
Some skills that you should have as a Medical Director include managerial skills, leadership skills, communication, organizational skills, and interpersonal skills.
Salary + Job Growth
The average salary of a Medical Director is $177,363, averaging out to about $85 per hour. Your salary will vary based on your experience level and your location, as it would with any other job in another field. The Medical Director role is expected to grow 18% by 2028.
Job Duties
As someone in this role, you can expect to perform duties such as ensuring quality healthcare for all patients, ensuring fair treatment of all personnel, taking charge to coordinate all departments, enforcing strict guidelines for all staff, and routine inspection of operations, equipment, and staff performance.
Work Environment
While holding the title of Medical Director, you could work in hospitals, healthcare groups, or long-term care facilities.
One major benefit of working as a Medical Director is having the ability to change what needs to be changed in order to better the lives of others within your facility, whether that pertains to patients or faculty and staff.
The Medicus Firm is here to help, and we want nothing but the best for you. Use our job board to find a unique job that is perfect for you, and stand out while we help you make your next big career move!