The Medicus Firm Blog

September 26 2019

Interview Tips for New Graduate Physicians

The first job interview is stressful for all newly graduating physicians. There are numerous things to consider at the beginning of your career and preparing for an interview may seem overwhelming. Here are a few tips to make your first interview a more productive and enjoyable experience:

Be clear in what you are looking for: You should determine most of what you are looking for before your search begins, keeping in mind your preferences may evolve as you begin interviewing. This includes geographic location, facility type, size, practice structure, and compensation. It is important to know what compensation model the facility uses, because your practice style or preference may be better aligned under a particular model. Having a clear picture of what you want will help you target the opportunities that will give you career satisfaction.

Research the facility: New physicians typically do not have the time to conduct essential research on facilities or practices that is necessary prior to applying and interviewing. You won’t know what you can offer the facility if you don’t know exactly what they do. Working with a recruiter can give you more insightful information on facilities than you can get with online searches. This industry expertise will enable you to show a facility how your skills will benefit their system.

Prepare a summary of your accomplishments: You should have a summary of your experience and accomplishments memorized. This prepares you for common interview questions. Sometimes the person who reads your CV is not the person conducting the interview, so a key point summary will be useful if they are not familiar with your achievements. Having a summary prepared also prevents you from forgetting details during the interview.

Show your interest in the position: Dress professionally, even if the interview is in a small town with a facility that has a casual atmosphere. This shows that you are taking the interview and the opportunity seriously. Be enthusiastic and interested without being overconfident. Preparing a list of questions is crucial because it shows employers that you have done research. Some recruiters say the questions physicians ask are more important for a good interview than the answers they give. Some key questions to ask are:

  • How would you describe the organization’s culture?
  • What can I do as a new provider in the community to quickly build a patient base?
  • How many patients do you see per day?
  • How is the call schedule determined?
  • What are the biggest challenges for the organization?
  • What are the most rewarding and challenging parts of practicing medicine in the area?

Review travel itinerary carefully:  Go over your travel arrangements with the recruiter if you are flying. Allow extra time in case there are unexpected travel delays or traffic. If you are driving, check out the address and parking availability before the interview. Navigating a new city can be difficult, but hospitals can be very confusing as well. Know where you are going inside the facility to ensure you arrive on time.

Discussing compensation: Compensation discussions are usually done at the end of the interview, if at all. Topics like salary range are acceptable at this point. Compensation negotiations will be done in future meetings. The goal of the first interview is to make the employer want to hire you, and for you to see if you will enjoy working for them.

Set follow-up expectations: One of the most common post-interview mistakes is failing to follow-up. Do not assume that the facility knows that you are still interested in the position. When you work with a recruiter, you will receive advice and guidance on appropriate next steps and setting clear follow-up expectations. Setting these expectations is critical if you must decide by a certain date, or if you have another pending offer.

Send a thank-you note: Emailed thank-you notes can get lost in overcrowded inboxes. Handwritten thank-you notes help set you apart from other candidates. It seems like such a simple thing, but this extra step shows employers that you care about the opportunity with their facility. If you have flown to the interview, bring some thank you cards with you and write your notes on the flight home.

At The Medicus Firm, we aim to fully understand your current situation, your motivation to find a new practice, and your long term goals. Our recruiting consultants will find the opportunity that best meets your needs. We protect your privacy and your time, eliminating calls about jobs that do not fit your criteria. For more information, please call 888.260.4242.



Interviewing Skills for Job-Seeking Physicians, The New England Journal of Medicine

Tips for the First Interview, American College of Physicians

Interviewing 101, AAFP

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