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Founded in 2009, The Medicus Firm has used its job board to help thousands of physicians throughout the process of finding their dream jobs. Also available to physicians are resources such as a job satisfaction and search report, a practice preference and relocation survey, and a news blog containing information and updates regarding The Medicus Firm. The satisfaction and search report and the relocation survey can be requested and downloaded so that users can view them at any time.
Salary + Job Growth
The current average salary for someone working as a CRNA is around $118,000, or about $56 per hour. However, this can vary greatly depending on your level of expertise, number of years in practice, and your location. The highest-paying locations for Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (in ascending order) are as follows: Utah, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, and North Dakota. The salaries in these states range from $163,755, in Utah, to $201,154, in North Dakota. The overall employment of Nurse Anesthetists, Nurse Midwives, and Nurse Practitioners is projected to grow by 45% by the year 2030.
The benefits of working as a CRNA include seeing a wide variety of patients, being able to make decisions on your own, receiving above-average compensation, and being in a well-respected position.
As a CRNA, you should possess the following skills: quick, critical thinking, problem-solving skills, professionalism, and communication skills.
Job Duties
Some of the job duties you can expect to perform as a CRNA include (but are not limited to) preparing operating rooms, managing your patient’s airway and respiratory status, developing and executing an effective anesthetic plan, managing recovery from anesthesia, and maintaining anesthesia during an operation.
Work Environment
CRNAs typically work in hospitals, but they may also work in a physician’s office, an outpatient care center, or a university.
Although the process of becoming a physician is extensive, some physicians choose to participate in CME, also known as continuing medical education. You will find that there are specialty-specific organizations as well as general organizations that are dedicated to providing physicians with CME resources. These resources may include podcasts, live or virtual conferences, videos, webinars, or live or virtual courses. These organizations include AudioDigest, APEX Anesthesia, the National Board for Certification and Recertification for Nurse Anesthetists (NBCRNA), and the American Medical Association (AMA).
The Medicus Firm is committed to you and your journey to find your next dream job, whether you’re just getting started or you’re looking to make a career move.