Since its founding in 2009, The Medicus Firm has used its job board to help thousands of physicians find their dream jobs. Accompanying the job board are resources such as a news blog, a job satisfaction and search report, and a practice preference and relocation survey. The news blog contains information and updates regarding The Medicus Firm, as well as articles covering topics that all physicians will likely come across throughout their careers. The search report and relocation survey are both available for users to request for download so that they may be viewed at any time.
Salary + Job Growth
The current average salary for someone working in Dentistry is $146,322, which comes out to around $70 per hour. Your salary will vary based on your location, skillset, and years of experience, but you can seek out the states that pay the most in your field. The following states have the highest average salaries (in ascending order): New Hampshire, Delaware, Massachusetts, Alaska, and Rhode Island. The average salary range for these states is between $167,827 and $185,909. The Dentistry job market is expected to grow by 7% by the year 2030.
The benefits of working as a Dentist include receiving above-average compensation, having a favorable work-life balance, working in a high-demand field, being well-respected, and getting the opportunity to have your own practice.
As a Dentist, you should possess the following skills: dexterity, problem-solving, communication skills, patience, organizational skills, physical stamina, and being detail-oriented.
Job Duties
In your job as a Dentist, you will perform job duties such as removing tooth decay, filling cavities, repairing or removing damaged teeth, prescribing medications, creating individualized treatment plans for patients, and examining x-rays of teeth, gums, and surrounding areas.
Work Environment
Some dentists work as associate dentists for well-established practices, while others work alone or with partners in their own practice.
Although the process of completing educational requirements for entering the healthcare field can be overwhelming, some physicians choose to participate in CME, or continuing medical education. There are Dentist-specific organizations and directory-like websites that can help you find CME resources. These resources include things such as podcasts, live or virtual conferences, videos, webinars, or live or virtual courses. Organizations that can help you find these resources are as follows: the American Dental Association (ADA), Mayo Clinic, CMEList,, eMedEvents, Elite Learning, 3M Health Care Academy, and BoardVitals.
The Medicus Firm is dedicated to helping physicians find their dream jobs and pursue their futures in medicine, and as a result, we provide resources that will help you do just that.