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Family Practice - OB Jobs

The Medicus Firm was founded in 2009, and since then, we have utilized our job board to assist thousands of physicians on their journeys to find their dream jobs. The Medicus Firm also offers resources such as a practice preference and relocation survey and a job satisfaction and search report. You can request these at any time and download and view them at your convenience. In addition, The Medicus Firm offers a news blog containing all pertinent updates and information about the company.

Salary + Job Growth
The average salary for a physician working in the Family Practice with Obstetrics field is around $147,640 per year. For OB/GYN Physicians in general, the expected job growth rate is 7% by the year 2030. The states with the highest salaries for OB/GYN Physicians (in ascending order) are Tennessee, Texas, Nevada, Louisiana, and Mississippi. The salary range for these states is between $205,090 (Tennessee) and $212,277 (Mississippi).

Benefits of working in this field include, but are not limited to, working with the same patients for an extended period and building relationships, working in an in-demand field, helping patients avoid health issues later on, working a (mostly) set schedule, and receiving above-average compensation.

Some skills you should possess while working in this role include communication, compassion, interpersonal skills, and problem-solving.

Job Duties
While specializing in Family Practice with Obstetrics, you can expect to diagnose, treat, and prevent medical conditions affecting women and expecting mothers. You will also work with expecting mothers throughout their pregnancies, during childbirth, and postpartum. Also involved are tasks such as performing ultrasounds and fetal heart rate monitoring, delivering babies, and if necessary, performing C-sections.  

Work Environment
Physicians practicing within this specialty typically work in outpatient clinics, hospitals, and private practices.

You may decide that you want to further your education in medicine after you complete the education requirements. This is referred to as continuing medical education, or CME, and there are many resources to be found when looking at CME. There are specialty-specific organizations and more general organizations that offer CME resources. These resources may include things such as videos, virtual or live courses, webinars, podcasts, or virtual or live conferences. Some specialty-specific organizations offering these resources are as follows: American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), and American College of Physicians (ACP). Some more general organizations offering CME resources include Washington University School of Medicine and Mayo Clinic.

Overall, The Medicus Firm’s goal is to aid each physician on their journey to success, and our job board does just that.