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Physician Jobs in Geriatrics

The Medicus Firm has 2 physician jobs in Geriatrics with salaries ranging from $208,000 to $330,000

South Central California Primary Care
Ref# GERI 24696

Geriatric Physician - Southern California We are seeking Geriatric Medicine Physicians to join our outpatient clinics.  We are a non-profit, full-service Hospital with 25 inpati » Read More

Bakersfield, California

Texas Inpatient Geriatrics - 7 on/7 off
Ref# GERI 24150

Texas Academic Inpatient Geriatrics UTHealth University Hospital – San Antonio, TX   Position Highlights Join an experienced team of 15 faculty members Excellent quali » Read More

San Antonio, Tx, Texas

Geriatrics Jobs

Since its founding in 2009, The Medicus Firm has used its unique job board to assist thousands of physicians in finding their dream jobs. In addition to the job board, The Medicus Firm also offers free resources such as a news blog, a practice preference and relocation survey, and a job satisfaction and search report. The news blog contains updates and information regarding The Medicus Firm, including articles discussing topics that all medical professionals will likely encounter throughout their careers. The search report and relocation survey are available for users to request for download and view at any time.

Salary + Job Growth
The current average salary for a healthcare professional specializing in Geriatrics is $137,086, which averages out to around $64 per hour. Your salary, however, will vary based on your location, years of experience, and skill set. With that being said, you can use your ability to practice medicine anywhere in the United States to your advantage. The states with the highest average salaries are as follows: Minnesota, Montana, Washington, Oregon, and North Dakota. The average salaries in these states range from $175,773, in Minnesota, to $185,097, in North Dakota. The Geriatrics profession is expected to grow by 7% by the year 2030.

As a Geriatrics specialist, you may find yourself enjoying the following benefits: job security, having the ability to make a difference, flexible scheduling, having a positive impact on the community, and having a variety of career path options.

Some skills that you should possess as a Geriatrician include compassion, interpersonal skills, communication skills, listening skills, and patience.

Job Duties
While working in this specialty, you can expect to perform job duties such as referring patients to specialists, diagnosing and treating illnesses as a result of aging, providing medical and lifestyle advice, monitoring medication side effects, assessing medication risks, and educating patients on disease prevention.

Work Environment
Geriatricians work in private practices, group practices, long-term and post-acute care facilities, and hospitals.

While you may find that the process of completing your education to become a physician is exhausting, you may decide that you’re interested in pursuing CME, or continuing medical education. There are Geriatrics-focused organizations as well as directory-like websites that can help to guide you toward CME resources. These resources may include podcasts, live or virtual conferences, webinars, videos, or live or virtual courses. Some organizations that can help you with the CME process are as follows: Pri-Med, the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins, eMedEvents, American Geriatrics Society, and myCME.

The Medicus Firm is committed to each physician and their journey to find the job that perfectly fits their needs.