The Medicus Firm has 2 physician Internal Medicine jobs in Kansas with salaries ranging from $250,000 to $500,000 in these top cities Wichita, Hutchinson and Emporia
Since its founding in 2009, The Medicus Firm has helped thousands of physicians find their perfect career matches using the company’s job board. In addition to the job board, The Medicus Firm offers a practice preference and relocation survey, a job satisfaction and search report, and a news blog. The relocation survey and search report can be requested for download so users can view them at any time. On the news blog, you will find updates and information regarding The Medicus Firm, as well as topics covering all stages of life as a physician.
Salary + Job Growth
The current average salary for a physician specializing in Internal Medicine is roughly $143,000 per year, which averages out to about $69 per hour. It is important to keep in mind that your salary will vary based on your location, skillset, and years of experience. With that in mind, the highest-paying states for Internal Medicine specialists (in ascending order) are as follows: Utah, California, Arizona, Texas, and Oregon. The salaries in these states range from $175,915, in Utah, to $187,921, in Oregon. The expected job growth rate for this profession is 7% by the year 2030.
Some benefits of specializing in Internal Medicine include having a flexible career providing a wide range of care, having the ability to work in a range of different settings, working in a high-demand field, and continuing to develop your medical knowledge as your career goes on.
In the Internal Medicine field, some skills you should possess include compassion, empathy, humility, communication skills, and a broad perspective.
Job Duties
As an Internal Medicine doctor specializing in the treatment of diseases threatening internal organs, you will be expected to perform the following duties: regularly consulting doctors of other specializations, coming up with diagnoses for patients with more than one disease, and providing care for patients with complex medical conditions.
Work Environment
Internal Medicine specialists may work at their own practice, in another doctor’s practice, at a hospital, or in a clinic.
Some physicians choose to pursue CME, or continuing medical education once they have completed the education requirements to start practicing medicine. There is a variety of places you can find CME resources, including specialty-specific organizations and on websites that are geared specifically toward helping physicians pursue CME. These resources may include podcasts, live or virtual conferences, webinars, live or virtual courses, and videos. Some places where you can expect to find these CME resources include the American College of Physicians (ACP), Mayo Clinic, Harvard, CMEList, myCME, and BoardVitals.
The Medicus Firm is committed to helping physicians in all stages of their careers find exactly what they’re looking for. Join us today to see how we can help you on your journey.