The Medicus Firm has 2 physician Neurology jobs in Missouri with salaries ranging from $350,000 to $425,000 in these top cities St. Louis, Columbia, Chesterfield and Jefferson City
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Salary + Job Growth
The average Neurologist's salary is $219,000 per year, or about $105 per hour. The expected job growth for the Neurology field is 7% by the year 2030. The states that pay Neurologists the best are Minnesota, South Dakota, Montana, Alaska, and North Dakota. These salaries range from $212,346, in Minnesota, to $230,770, in North Dakota.
Benefits of working in the Neurology field include: being in a fast-growing environment, being well-respected, the opportunity to do research, the ability to pursue a variety of subspecialties, and receiving above-average compensation.
Some skills that you will need to possess include (but are not limited to) effective communication, problem-solving, the balance of workflow, and leadership.
Job Duties
As a Neurologist, the main thing you can expect to do is diagnose and treat problems with the brain and nervous system. Your job duties will include examining patients and conducting neurological tests, counseling patients on neurological disorders, ordering tests and interpreting the results of imaging studies, diagnosing patients with diseases affecting the nervous system, and developing and managing treatment plans.
Work Environment
You can expect to work in private practice, a clinic, or a hospital. Typically, neurologists focus on doing research and teaching.
If you’re looking to continue your medical education, otherwise known as CME, you can find both specialty-specific and state-specific resources to help you meet your needs. These resources may include podcasts, live and virtual conferences, videos, webinars, and live and virtual courses. Some organizations offering CME resources include Neuro-EDU, Mayo Clinic, myCME, and the American Academy of Neurology (AAN). You can also use to find more resources that may not have been listed here.
If there’s one thing we know, it’s how to help physician candidates find the jobs they’ve been searching for.