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Since its founding in 2009, The Medicus Firm has used this job board to help thousands of physicians find jobs that fulfill their needs and help to further their careers. Accompanying the job board are a job satisfaction and search report, a practice preference and relocation survey, and a news blog. The search report and relocation survey are available for users to request for download so that they may be viewed at any time. The news blog contains updates and information regarding The Medicus Firm, as well as articles covering topics that physicians may encounter throughout their careers.
Salary + Job Growth
The current average salary for a Physician Assistant is $130,021, which averages out to around $62 per hour. This will vary based on your location, skill set, and years of experience. If you are looking for a higher salary, you can always choose to pursue a job in one of the following states, which have the highest average salaries for this position: Connecticut, New York, Hawaii, Massachusetts, and Vermont. The average salaries in these states range from $160,564, in Connecticut, to $175,570, in Vermont. The Physician Assistant profession is expected to grow by 31% by the year 2030.
Advantages of working as a Physician Assistant include working in a high-demand career, receiving above-average compensation, having the opportunity to work within different specialties, building relationships with long-term patients, and having most of the same responsibilities as a doctor without completing the same amount of education.
Some skills that a Physician Assistant should possess are as follows: detail-oriented, problem-solving skills, compassion, communication skills, and the ability to work on a team.
Job Duties
As a Physician Assistant, you will be performing job duties such as taking or reviewing patients’ medical histories, diagnosing illness or injury, researching treatment methods, educating and counseling patients and their families, ordering diagnostic tests, and giving treatment by prescribing medication or immunizing patients.
Work Environment
Physician Assistants may work in hospitals, outpatient clinics, or physicians’ offices.
If you decide that you wish to complete CME, or continuing medical education, after you complete your education, there are specialty-focused organizations as well as directory-like websites that can guide you toward CME resources. These CME resources may include podcasts, live or virtual conferences, webinars, videos, or live or virtual courses. Websites and organizations that can help you are as follows: AudioDigest, the American Academy of Physician Associates (AAPA), Pri-Med, myCME, Mayo Clinic, the National Commission on Certification of Physician’s Assistants (NCCPA), and CME4Life.
For over 10 years, The Medicus Firm has been dedicated to you and your journey to finding the perfect job for you.