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Since being founded in 2009, The Medicus Firm has used its job board to help thousands of physicians find their dream jobs. In addition to the job board, The Medicus Firm offers resources such as a news blog, a practice preference and relocation survey, and a job satisfaction and search report. The news blog contains information and updates regarding The Medicus Firm, as well as articles covering topics that physicians might have questions about throughout their careers. The relocation survey and search report are both available for users to request for download so that they may be viewed at any time.
Salary + Job Growth
The current average salary for a physician specializing in Vascular Surgery is $351,473, which averages out to around $168 per hour. This salary will vary based on your skill set, years of experience, and location. You can, however, choose to pursue a job in one of the states with a high average salary. These states are as follows (in ascending order): New Hampshire, Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, and Maine. The average salaries in these states range from $239,986, in New Hampshire, to $252,684, in Maine. This profession is expected to grow by 7% by the year 2030.
Working as a Vascular Surgeon brings the following benefits (and then some): receiving above-average compensation, working in a challenging field, operating on different places all over the body, building relationships with patients, and employing a multidisciplinary approach in your work.
Some skills that a Vascular Surgeon should possess are as follows: dexterity, stamina, spatial awareness, resilience, problem-solving, decision-making, communication, and leadership skills.
Job Duties
In this field, the job duties consist of the following: managing veins and arteries throughout the body, diagnosing and treating conditions of the vascular system, repairing damaged blood vessels, and helping patients manage chronic conditions.
Work Environment
Vascular Surgeons work in hospitals, examination rooms, and maybe private practices.
You may decide that you want to pursue CME, or continuing medical education, after you’re finished with medical school. You will find that there are specialty-focused organizations and directory-like websites available to help you locate CME resources. These resources may include podcasts, live or virtual conferences, webinars, videos, and live or virtual courses. The following organizations can give guidance on CME resources: CMEList, the Society for Vascular Surgery, eMedEvents, StatPearls, DeckerIP, and the Journal of Vascular Surgery.
The Medicus Firm is dedicated to you and your journey to find the perfect career in medicine, and as a result, we have offered resources to help you succeed.