The Medicus Firm has 3 physician Cardiology jobs in Georgia with salaries ranging from $500,000 to $700,000 in these top cities Atlanta, Albany and Athens
Since 2009, The Medicus Firm has helped place thousands of people in their dream roles. With specialties ranging from Otolaryngology to Dentistry, we’re sure you’ll find what you’re looking for here. Accompanying the job board are resources such as downloadable surveys and reports, and a news blog with updates about The Medicus Firm.
Salary + Job Growth
The current average salary for someone working in Cardiology is around $227,000, averaging out to around $109 per hour. The expected job growth for this specialty is 7% by the year 2028. The highest-paying states for this field are Wyoming, Washington, Montana, North Dakota, and Alaska. These salaries range from $221,661, in Wyoming, to $246,310, in Alaska.
Some benefits of being a physician in Cardiology include (but are not limited to) high salary, being in a highly respected profession, the impact you have on patients, the ability to specialize further to develop new skills, research opportunities and more.
As a physician practicing medicine in the Cardiology field, you should have skills such as problem-solving, organization, communication, people skills, and compassion.
Job Duties
As a Cardiologist, you can expect to perform duties including, but not limited to, diagnosing and treating cardiovascular system disorders, developing personalized ongoing treatment and disease management plans, conducting early-detection screenings, performing patient exams and conducting diagnostic testing, and prescribing medication as needed.
Work Environment
As someone practicing medicine as a Cardiologist, you can expect to work in a hospital, private practice, or a clinic.
Although the education requirements for aspiring physicians are already long and drawn out, some physicians may choose to participate in continuing medical education, otherwise known as CME. You will find that some specialty-specific organizations offer podcasts, videos, live or virtual courses, or webinars to aid physicians in furthering their education. Some Cardiology-specific organizations that offer assistance with CME are American College of Cardiology (ACC) and Mayo Clinic. In addition, you are likely to find state-specific CME resources for your specialty. These resources are designed specifically to help you stay up-to-date on the most important information needed to complete your job to the best of your ability. You can find resources covering topics such as pericarditis, heart failure, and echocardiography.
We want you to succeed – use The Medicus Firm job board to find your dream position! Saturated with unique positions in all medical specialties, our job board is sure to be a tool you will keep coming back to.